Agriculture Rent Equipment’s

1 min readJun 19, 2021

When you own a farm or ranch, whether for business or leisure, at some point you will need equipment you don’t have. If buying new or second-hand equipment is not the best option, then renting farm equipment from a reliable local supplier is a cost-effective option.

Utilizing serious instrumentality and machinery to maximize productivity is essential for fulfillment in agriculture and farming

More than 58% of the rural population in India earns a living from agriculture and is currently the world’s second-largest agricultural producer; however, my country’s agricultural technological innovation has been limited.

The Ministry of Agriculture of India has developed an agricultural machinery rental application for Indian farmers, allowing them to rent tractors, field cultivators, and other agricultural machinery under flexible conditions.

Government has launch mobile apps like Jfarms, Flaman Group, Trringo, etc. To buy, rent agricultural machinery

SafePe brings innovative ecosystem and payment network to exchange services by using Blockchain in domains such as Agriculture productivity, Utility services, Travel solutions by using Blockchain and emerging technologies

Evolving the agriculture industry through artificial intelligence that is a basic objective of SafePe Global Inc by world’s 1st AI-based SafePe Coin

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Written by SafePe

SafePe brings innovative Blockchain ecosystem and payment network to exchange services in domains such as Agriculture and Utility services.