New fertilization techniques should improve the efficiency of Farming

2 min readJun 16, 2021


What are Pesticides?

Pesticides play important role in controlling pests. Nearly 2 billion kilograms of pesticides are used worldwide every year. In farmland, they can be sprayed, applied to the ground, or added to seeds. There are different types of pesticides. Names of invasive pests: insecticides act on insects, herbicides act on plants, fungicides act on fungi, rodents act on rodents, etc. They are only effective for certain species. Therefore, today’s pesticide manufacturers need to find more and more ways to harm the pests and other pests to ensure their safety.

Increasing awareness of the inefficiency of pesticides, water supply issues, the need for faster and timely treatment, and the higher cost of pesticides have stimulated new applications.

Described below are 2 rising pest management technologies attempting to achieve this goal:

1)2-in-1 as a plant activator and a fungicide:

It’s utilized in low concentrations and there’s a dose-impact, that is it is seen in a twin motion as a plant activator and a fungicide. It improves germination, emergence, plant survival, and growth. It also impacts micro-organism, which includes salmonella, cholera, and E.coli, so it can use in a disinfectant-kind product.

2)Gel applications:

Plant-based gels contain insecticides that can be used in insect traps or devices, bringing hope to Hockley Agro, which is working with partner companies to research this technology. According to Frank Howard of Hawkley, using pheromones to lure insects into traps is an established practice for some plants, but applying pesticides to plastic devices adds another dimension.

What are Fertilizers?

Fertilizers are compounds or mixtures applied as a solid, liquid, or gaseous substances that provide essential nutrients to crops in a soluble form that is easy to handle and safe. Fertilizers can be applied to the soil or directly to the foliage. Science promotes the use of fertilizers by improving products and methods to improve the efficiency of fertilizers, the profitability of nutrients used, and reduce the adverse impact on the environment. This technology promotes the use of fertilizers by improving production efficiency and complex logistics, and delivers hundreds of millions of tons of products to farms safely, economically, and on time. Fertilizers can be inorganic or organic, but this post mainly refers to inorganic or industrial fertilizers.

New fertilization techniques should improve the efficiency and use of fertilizers, not just increase the nutrient content in the soil. Additives such as adjuvants, organic acids, and microbial solutions are used to improve performance. Limit the supply of fertilizer to the soil. Each nutrient is unique in the soil.

Improvements in fertilization technology include the introduction of more advanced fertilization equipment, such as Y-shaped droplets, spray nozzles, strip field cultivators, and fertilizer spreaders. These tools help to save time and fertilize to minimize damage to the environment.




Written by SafePe

SafePe brings innovative Blockchain ecosystem and payment network to exchange services in domains such as Agriculture and Utility services.

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